Omaha dreaming…
Read More“There is no greater reward than discovering in you the power to reach out and change the world, without words, without sound, without motion. Just a thought in you that opens you heart to a new day, and a new tomorrow....”
In the Beginning...
Standing in a room. Steering out to the haze of light that is early morning, twilight in fact.
No sound or movement beyond the glazing, only a canvas of muted colour captured in the frozen garden.
I am in awe.
I want to feel every part of the painting in front of me, through every sense that I have.
Thinking for a moment whether it is a testament to our evolution that we can encapsulate ourselves in such a fine cocoon of luxury, The glass walls that separate us from Nature’s way.
Is it sad?
That we have arrived at a point in time where we leave Nature behind, as we embrace technology that desensitises, numbs, and dissects us from the stimulation and sensation we all crave from Nature?
How can architecture ever mimic Nature, so one feels within Nature, within architecture,
…and never apart.